Corazon del Valle

Los Angeles, California

Corazon del Valle

Located in the San Fernando Valley, Corazon del Valle will provide 180 units of permanent supportive housing for individuals and families.  With its location next to existing bus lines, a future light rail line, and 3 public schools within a quarter-mile, this project will provide desperately needed housing for families earning between 30 and sixty percent of the median income for the area. 

The central courtyard provides a communal garden and gathering space connecting all four residential buildings.  The architectural massing is designed to funnel breezes through the interior courtyards, and the vertical planting and trees will help purify and cool the warm summer air.  Interior atrium will also feature vertical gardens and small community spaces for passive and active recreation.  3,000 sq.ft of retail and offices at street level will provide for an active street frontage for residents and the nearby community.